Weekend Getaway: Gunflint Trail

Weekend-Getaway-GunflintTrail-24Sorry we haven’t posted in a while…..we needed a little break to focus on the present, but we’re back today with some fun inspiration for the weekend.

Sometimes we all need a little time away from our routines to restart our creativity, nourish our relationships, or find ourselves again. While we love to travel to meet new people and discover new ways of living, we also travel simply to regroup, get new perspective, have some adventure and fun, and come back refreshed and ready to attack the daily grind with new energy.Weekend-Getaway-GunflintTrail-9We’ve found we don’t have to travel far to get this little boost, just a day trip or weekend getaway often does the trick. So we are going to start a little series of inspiration for weekend getaways….including places we’ve been and short itineraries of what to do in each place (I love planning, Ta’u’s more of a wing-it guy, so go with what works for you). Often we travel within driving distance of wherever we are living at the time, but if the means are available, you could fly to these places too. Whether you travel to these particular places or it just inspires you to seek adventure near your own home base, we hope you enjoy following along. Continue Reading →

Moving between here and there

moving-between-here-and-there-8Coming and going is always a strange phenomenon for me. You’d think after the amount of upheaval and change that has permeated my life from the very beginning that I would be a pro at smoothly moving through change. And perhaps on the outside it appears that way….but moving from a life that you are used to, comfortable in, to another life, another home, another place, always comes with the same feelings of panic and nostalgia and sadness and loss. I call it a change-attack instead of a panic attack…it’s a feeling so specific to changing my environment and the people around me that I feel like it deserves it’s own name. The feeling of panic usually hits first as a shock rushing through my body upon waking up, often from a nap (because everyone needs a nap after a big trip, right?). moving-between-here-and-there-2I open my eyes and in those first few moments of waking, when the world doesn’t quite feel stable again yet, when you still aren’t quite sure if you are really here, if everything around you is reality or still a dream, that’s when the feelings of nostalgia and sadness set in. I feel a tremendous longing for where I was and no longer am. Suddenly everything around me feels so wrong. Even if I’m in the most comfortable, familiar place — a place I missed terribly and had been begging to return to, I still get that feeling of loss and sadness for wherever I’d been.

Some of what I’m missing about my time on Easter Island…


the view we love so much from our “home” on Easter Island


enjoying “once” on the lanai


a parking lot just for watching the waves…where one stops for a break on a lazy drive home


the town “beach”


enjoying guava ice cream after a day in the field


renovations of the soccer field….prepping for artificial turf


a stare down between car and cow….an everyday occurrence on the road


gorgeous sunsets


a new decorative rock wall on the newest addition to the family hotel


Abuelita’s bucket cilantro garden


take-out ceviche from Hetu’u


waiting to board the plane….of to another home

So I’ve come to realize I just need to allow myself time to move through that stage of transition from one place to another — that place of sadness and loss for the daily familiarity of what was. I have to let myself trust that the comfort of an everyday routine with the people I see on a daily basis and with the places I inhabit, will return in this new location….and it always does. Within only a few days, where I was becomes a distant memory. Until I travel again, and the whole process starts anew.

Has anyone else ever felt something like that? It’s such a hard feeling to put into words.moving-between-here-and-there-6




Flying and I have a love-hate relationship. I generally hate it. It terrifies me. But I love that it gets me somewhere breathtaking and new in a matter of hours. And, I love looking out the window. On a clear day, I am endlessly reminded of the beauty of our planet and am in awe that we can fly above it. It’s a step away from normal. Up there in flight I let myself be consumed by the wonder of the bigger things and worry less about the little things.

Some favorites from our past few years of travel…



in-the-air-2 in-the-air-3 in-the-air-4

The Andes


Easter Island


The Rockies – Utah

in-the-air-8 in-the-air-9 in-the-air-10

and more…. loving the texture in these.

in-the-air-11 in-the-air-12 in-the-air-13 in-the-air-14

Vienna, Austria by night


Turks and Caicos

in-the-air-16 in-the-air-17

The North Carolina Coast


(all photos by Pineapple Tree)




Babar’s Yoga for Travelers

Babar's yoga for travelers-1Despite the fact that last year alone we flew on over 30 flights, I hate flying. Although luckily not enough to make me stop wanting to see the world. So flying and I, or well, being in transit in general, well, we need to come to some sort of agreement. Because I’m not going to stop. The most difficult part of traveling for me is letting go of control. I don’t know if the flight will be on time, and if it’s not, sometimes we miss our connections or our plans at our destination. I don’t know how long all the lines we have to stand in will take and I can’t make them move faster. Customs lines after long overnight flights are the WORST and always seem to take hours.

When I was 17 and returning from a summer in Italy with an exchange family, I missed my connection home because the customs line took too long. Ever since, I have flashbacks of that day when we are waiting in those lines: I see myself, a haggard, crazy-eyed child running through the airport dragging all her luggage, half of which busted open during the run and spilled across the airport hallway and is now hastily patched together with a belt, reaching the gate just as the door is closing and being turned away by the unsympathetic gate attendants. I only had to wait 3 or 4 more hours to get on the next flight home, but it felt like the end of the world to me. I hadn’t seen my family in 8 weeks, my grandpa had passed away while I was gone, and all I wanted to do was get home. I felt so alone and helpless, but I realized there was nothing to do but clean up, change my sweaty clothes, re-pack my broken bag as best I could, and wait. I would get there eventually, and not all that much later I did.

But that “disaster” has stuck with me and lead to an overwhelming feeling of anxiety when situations in airports don’t go my way. I’m learning, and so is my husband, on how to cope (he plops me down in a corner and hands me fruit ninja on zen mode…..endless cutting of fruit with your finger as a blade…calms me every time…but let’s not analyze that shall we?). My difficultly with instant flexibility and resiliency, especially when I’m tired and hungry, which for me is synonymous with travel, has made for some pretty challenging moments for us and those trying to serve us. Now that we are traveling more than ever, I’ve decided it’s about time I found some consistent coping mechanisms.

Babar's Yoga for Elephants (who travel)

Last year before we left for a trip to Europe a friend of mine shared Babar’s Yoga for Elephants with me. While it’s meant to teach yoga to children, it is also about staying calm in busy, crazy, challenging places and moments by doing yoga. I especially loved the delayed flight page where they are doing plow pose. While it might not always be practical to flip into plow pose in the middle of the gate area, there are plenty of other ways to incorporate yoga, or the idea of yoga into your travels. For instance, now, when I’m getting antsy standing in line and feel my anxiety starting up, I lift a leg into tree pose and feel myself relax, or I focus on my breath for a few minutes. It gives me something to do to take my mind off the wait or the unknown, and helps me get centered again.

Babar's yoga for travelers-2

The book also has some wonderful illustrations of Babar doing yoga while traveling. Since we were going to France at the time, I even got to recreate one of the poses (please excuse my terrible form in down-dog. I was trying to do it as fast as possible before the guards nearby got too suspicious). 

Babar's yoga for travelers-3Babar's yoga for travelers-4

Does traveling stress you out? Do you do it anyway? What do you do to cope? 

Hitting Restart


We just returned from a trip to the boundary waters canoe area (BWCA) in northern Minnesota. Five days, four nights. Paddling canoes, portaging, or carrying our canoes and gear from lake to lake, seeking out the best campsites, swimming, eating, sleeping. Resetting ourselves back to a simple life. A life where all that matters is moving our bodies, obtaining water, setting up and taking down shelter, and cooking food. The basics. No cell service, no distractions. When we simplify our life to that degree all of the nonsense sloughs off, all the desires, all the “I needs” that are really “I wants,” all the things in our life: the TV’s, the computers, the cars, the houses, that cute dress, those perfect shoes. It all just falls away so suddenly we don’t even realize it happened.

When we emerge from the woods, jump back in our car and find ourselves home again with all of our stuff, there’s this distance we feel from it all, this sense of excess when we see all the things we’ve accumulated around us and we wonder why it all seemed so important before. It’s like hitting a reset button. It gives us a chance to reevaluate. Do we really need all this? Is this what works for us? Do we really need that car, that house? Do I really need to turn on the TV or the computer? I hesitate to pick up my phone and check in with the world because I know how fast that restart can be undone. But eventually I do, I have to, and eventually our simplified ways, our desire for less falls further and further into the background of our daily lives. Once again, we find ourselves back where we began. And that’s when we know it’s time for another restart. This is exactly how we feel every time we return from Easter Island and lately our challenge has been to find ways to keep that feeling alive in our household for as long as possible. But, still, the best way to return to the basics and regain perspective is to just get away from it all whenever we can.


And when we do, we have nothing better to do than to watch the world in all its glory and relish every sunset and every sunrise, every transition from dawn to day to dusk to starlight, the sound of silence, the softness of the wind against our skin, the calls of the wildlife, the creaks of the trees, the sounds of all the beings all around us. And for those moments I can really feel, with every cell in my body, just how wondrous this life is.