a little florida retreat

A-Florida-Retreat-1* Yikes, we are so behind in posts….we’ve made it to Easter Island and are trying to get our feet under us. There were all kinds of events and work to do as soon as we hit the ground, so we’ve been a bit swamped, not to mention slooooooow internet is always frustrating. So we’ll do our best to keep this updated while we are here, but it may not be as often as we’d like. 

When we fly to Easter Island, we usually go through Miami, which is a short 2.5 hour drive from where Nona (my grandma) lives in Fort Myers. So, whenever we can add a little extra time to our trip, we try to fly to see her first, then drive to Miami to catch our plane to the island. This time, Ta’u was busy on a shoot in Hawaii, so I went on my own to see her before meeting him in Miami. I think the last time it was just the two of us was when I visited her for my 11th birthday, my first solo trip across the country (Minnesota to North Carolina) and even then my grandpa was around, at least in the evenings after work. As an adult it was a whole new experience and we had a fantastic time together just sharing stories about life and how we see the world and exploring the golf course complex on which she lives. A-Florida-Retreat-2We raced her neighbor down the street on our golf cart, then took an hour and a half golf cart cruise past all 27 holes right at sunset so we wouldn’t disturb too many golfers. It was terribly windy and getting dark but we still had to sneak by at least 7 or 8 groups that were still out on the course.  Continue Reading →